About Progeria

Progeria, also known as progeny or retardation due to delayed or early puberty is a genetically inherited disorder commonly associated with pre-menstrual syndrome. The two main forms of progeria are congenital and primary. While in some cases, a delay in puberty may be due to other factors, most of the time, it is caused by genetic disorders.


Progerian children have certain symptoms which indicate the condition


Some common symptoms include stunted growth, slow growth rate, frequent urination and diarrhea, decreased bone mass, and a slower growth rate. There is an increased risk for obesity in these children as well. Usually, the child will have very small hands and feet. In rare cases, there can also be a change in the size of the testes.


Medical experts consider that in approximately twenty percent of cases, the cause of progeria is unknown. This means that progeria is one of the more difficult diseases to cure, with only thirty-two percent of cases being fully cured. Progeria can result in physical disability, such as stunted growth, and psychological impairment, such as depression, anxiety, and stress. Progeria can also affect your relationship with society because you will be ostracized by society at large because of the way that you look and feel.


Progeria is believed to be genetic, but that has not been conclusively proven. In fact, researchers believe that some people may be predisposed to become prosperous. People who are overweight or have a history of obesity are considered at a higher risk for developing progeria than people who don't have these traits. Also, people with diabetes are more likely to develop progeria than others.


Progeria has no known cause and there is currently no known cure, although certain treatments have been developed for prolonging the children's height. Some doctors recommend taking prescription medications and undergoing surgeries. However, this can be quite costly, and doctors are often reluctant to do so because the potential side effects can be dangerous. Some children are also given a drug called finasteride to prevent progeria from occurring. while others are given hormone replacement therapy.


A child is usually diagnosed with progeria when he/she reaches the age of about three years. The signs and symptoms of progeria begin to occur during the adolescent years, and can continue into the teen years, though there are fewer cases in children. Progerias that are left undiagnosed or misdiagnosed may never be treated.


There are various methods for treating progeria


Depending on the cause of the condition, different treatment options may be required. For instance, if a child has had a surgery to correct a tumor, radiation therapy may be administered to correct the abnormalities that may exist.


If Progeria was caused by a tumor, surgery and medications may be prescribed to remove the tumor and Progeria, but the child must undergo natural methods to slow growth and prevent further damage from the disease. This can include eating foods that increase bone mass and nutrients, exercising regularly, and following a diet that is mostly calcium. Doctors may also recommend watching out for Club of Thai Health medications such as vitamins and minerals to improve the immune system and prevent disease progression.


If you suspect that your child is suffering from progeria, they should talk to their doctor about early signs and symptoms so that a correct diagnosis can be made. They may be asymptomatic or exhibit some of the early symptoms of progeria.


The symptoms are as follows:

  • Symptoms can appear at any time from childhood to adulthood.
  • In most cases, the victim's parents or other relatives notice the symptoms.
  • If Progeria is caused by a tumor, early diagnosis will help ensure timely treatment of Progeria.


There is no single cause for Progeria, but a number of factors can contribute to its development


It can be caused by genetic abnormalities, an inherited gene, or hormone imbalances. There is no known cure for Progeria, but there are ways that it can be controlled.


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